Personal Development

Boost Your Immune System with Vitamin C

Is your immune system in good shape? With the novel coronavirus lurking around every corner, doing what you can to boost your immunity makes perfect sense. Vitamin C is an important component of staying healthy and well, so if you’re not getting enough vitamin C in your diet, now is the time to take a…

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5 Traits of an Effective Leader

People are not born great leaders; leadership skills can be learned and honed over time. Listed here are some common characteristics shared by the most admired leaders.  1. Decisiveness Being a leader means making difficult decisions. Having the courage to make a decision that is unpopular but essential is what sets great leaders apart. The confidence…

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Bee Smart

The news about climate crisis is hair-raising. The question that is facing us: now what? No one can do it all at once. But we can all get started. Every one of us needs to behave like a bee society, where each of our individual actions can lead to a systematic change. My Earth Day…

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